Texas bred and born grass fed & finished beef, lamb, goat, chicken
Mom Kula is a registered brindle
Bowser the oldest male working dog is calm and regal until a predator comes near. He sticks close to all newborns. His favorite companions are the young.
Meet Dog our hairy beast. Happy, energetic, and the perimeter guard. He sounds a strong alert when needed. He watches the goats and calves closely and keeps predators away with ease.
His mask fits him. He is quiet and meek. He does use his strong side when predators come near. He likes the goats.
Smiley literally greets you with a smile and a quick hello then she is off mothering all young livestock close by. She prefers the sheep. She is gentle with her herd.
Otak is a registered male. His name means partner. And he is just that, he sticks close to the livestock and does not miss a thing. His natural guardian behavior is astonishing.
Kula is a registered female. Her name means servant. She mainly watches the hens and goats. She is sweet and social with all the herds.
At Crawley's Country Beef, LLC, we are passionate about helping others. We feel Anatolians are superior working guardian dogs for all livestock and herd animals. Email for questions info@texasbredorganicmeat.com or give us a call 254-330-0016. You can also visit Lucky Hit Ranch online, Erick Conard is an expert in the breed.
All 3 alert at the same time
Bowser is naturally gentle and patient while protecting newborns. Male and female Anatolians take the role of caregiver when mom steps away.
These dogs can hear, smell, and sense an intruder near. I never figured out what this was about. But they knew.
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